Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Mix your style with Italian style dressing to have a striking look

Italian people believe that they will be treated according to how they look. That is why not only the women folk but the Italian men are also very particular about their dress up. But this doesn’t mean that you always have to be well suited in formals with your hail oiled and cough pins shining if you want to adopt the dressing style of Italians. You can dress up in a sophisticated, casual or sporty way according to your own personal style.

Italian T-shirts are very popular among the men of every age group. This is so because these are versatile, comfortable, available in different colors and designs and inexpensive. These are best suited for daily wear. You can experiment with the colors making different t shirts and lower combinations. Generally the pants worn by Italians are in solid dark colors with which light colored tees can be worn.

The fabric of the apparels also matters a lot. Not only the appearance should be good, but the durability and comfort level also matters. Italian T-shirts are available in cotton, mixed cotton, linen, wool and knits. Your choice of fabric may also differ with the type of weather. Organic apparels are also available these days which are much comfortable, keep up safer from skin allergies and retain their quality for a very long time.

While following the Italian style of dressing, don’t forget about the latest fashion. If skin fit jeans and long tees are trending, don’t stick to the old style baggies and short tops. The accessories you choose with your dress should also be selected smartly. If knee length boots are trending, get a pair of it for yourself these winters. Don’t forget to buy matching belts and bags with it.

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